négaWatt Association
The négaWatt association is a non-governmental French think tank working for an ambitious energy transition.

The négaWatt association is a non-governmental French think tank involving around twenty experts in energy issues with strong field experience and complementary skills. Established in 2001, it is supported by more than 1,400 individual members.
Its main purpose is to recommend solutions on energy demand and supply to implement an energy transition in France, reducing as much as possible all the detrimental risks and impacts of the national energy system (greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, resource depletion, energy poverty, nuclear risks, etc.).
Through applying the négaWatt approach to France – based on energy sufficiency, energy efficiency, and renewable sources – the organisation has developed an energy transition scenario for the country, which reaches 100% renewables and carbon neutrality by 2050.
The négaWatt Association is a non-profit organisation mostly funded by individual member fees, as well as contributions from benefactors, foundations, and NGOs.
Website: /
Social media: Twitter – LinkedIn – Facebook – You tube
Contact person: Stephane Bourgeois, stephane.bourgeois///at///
Fraunhofer ISI
Fraunhofer ISI is a part of the Fraunhofer Society in Germany, a non-profit corporation promoting applied research.

The Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI (Germany) analyzes the origins and impacts of innovations. We research the short- and long-term developments of innovation processes and the impacts of new technologies and services on society. On this basis, we are able to provide our clients from industry, politics and science with recommendations for action and perspectives for key decisions. Our expertise is founded on our scientific competence as well as an interdisciplinary and systemic research approach.
Social media: Twitter – LinkedIn – You tube
Contact person: Mahsa Bagheri, mahsa.bagheri///at///
The REKK Foundation for Regional Policy Co-operation in Energy and Infrastructure was formed in 2016, by the researchers of the Regional Centre of Energy Policy Research in Hungary, aiming to facilitate the formation of sustainable energy systems in Central Europe.

REKK Foundation has the goal to contribute to the formation of sustainable energy systems in Central Europe by providing a platform for open-ended, European-wide dialoge between the actors of the energy markets, including governments, regulators, business actors and consumers. Its primary activities include ensuring expert forums to present and discuss various energy policy initiatives and facilitating knowledge sharing about energy regulation and market trends through research and educational activities, to help providing strategic response to new challenges in energy markets.
Social media: LinkedIn
Contact person: Mária Bartek-Lesi, maria.barteklesi///at///
LEI is internationally recognized energy-related research, development and innovation competence center.

LEI is a state technical research center dealing with energy related research in mathematical modelling of power systems and networks, investigation of their control issues; modelling and optimization research of ICT-based control systems of power systems; renewable energy; analysis of security of energy supply; development of energy planning methods; fuel cells and hydrogen; thermal physics and fluid mechanics; nuclear safety; structural integrity assessment of components and structures; simulation of complex energy systems. LEI has 230 employees. Among them, there are, 110 Ph.D., 30 researchers with B.Sc. and M.Sc. and 30 Ph.D. Candidates. The Institute has an extensive experience in international projects: H2020 (26 projects, 3 of them – coordinator), FP7 (24 projects), FP6 (14 projects), FP5 (11 projects), Intelligent Energy Europe (31 projects), COST (20 projects), Eureka (4 projects), IAEA (9 projects), Baltic Sea Region 2007-2013 programme (3 project), etc. LEI is actively involved in studies related to comprehensive analysis of the energy sector development.
Social media: Facebook – LinkedIn – You tube
Contact person: Inga Konstantinaviciute, inga.konstantinaviciute///at///